Saturday, June 28, 2008

Drive In Theaters Are So Rad.

I went to a drive in a couple weeks ago with my mom and saw "The Strangers." It was a double feature, but we didn't stay for "Prom Night." We went again last week and saw "Don't Mess with the Zohan" and "Jumper." It was so rad. They have the best food ever, and it's such a mom and pop thing. There should be way more drive in theaters in America.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Special.

Today is my 10th day of doing 365.

Yesterday was my burfday.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Please, Just Impeach Him Already.

Why why WHY isn't he getting impeached? I refuse to celebrate the 4th of July this year. Not when this war criminal is president. Why would I want to celebrate our freedom while our government is oppressing other countries and people? If that's what our 'freedom' is built on, I don't want it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I've Wanted One of These Forever.

I've wanted a messenger bag FOREVER but none of them seem just right. So I made my own! I'm thinking of putting some of these up for sale sometime, if anyone shows interest in them. If not, I'm still really happy because I have one I LOVE!

This bag has a Palestinian flag on it, and a quote from a Rage Against the Machine song (Voice of the Voiceless). It reads, "You'll never silence the voice of the voiceless."

I'm so psyched about having such a personalized bag! YAY!

Monday, June 16, 2008

365 Days Project

So I joined a new project on Flickr! It's called 365 days object project. You pick one object and you take a picture of it in different settings everyday for a year! I joined a little late, of course, but it's okay. I chose my Chuck Taylors for my object, because I just got them on the 14th and it will be interesting to see them change. I love this project so much! You can see my progress here!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Beautiful Dress, Good Cause

So an Etsy friend of mine recently emailed me and told me about a horrible tragedy.

On June 4th, some very good friends of hers lost their 15 year old daughter in a terrible car accident. She decided to list one of her gorgeous, one of a kind concoctions on Ebay to sell, and help the family with funeral costs. This a great oppurtunity to help someone who is facing immeasurable pain and suffering, and if you are interested in a beautiful and unique dress please do look here:

If you think you might know someone who wants a dress like this, please spread the word.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mary E. Robbins Designs

I recently ran across a website that greatly captured my interest.

It tells of the art, travels, and life of a woman named Mary and her family.

Mary runs a shop called MothDesigns, on Etsy. She sells incredible T Shirts, featuring arabic words or sayings, and handbags and purses that tell stories of Moroccan women and girls she knows. One example of her work is the Chaimae shoulder bag, which tells the following story:

"chaimae is my sister-in-law. she is 10 years old. 3 years ago, when i was last living in morocco, she was avidly exploring the early realization of her femininity--strutting around in her mother’s worn pumps, slinging her pocketbooks over her shoulder. when i visited her earlier this year, i saw a new reserve in her eyes--her hair grown long, her book bag grown heavy. i imagine this bag on her shoulder--all her very own--after practicing for a few years with her mother's."

The Chaimae Shoulder Bag

Mary's website offers a unique view of a world that is seemingly, somehow, unexplored. Her art is a reflection of an attempt to bring people together, and to educate the world about our brothers and sisters in the Middle East/Northern Africa. This fascinating blog is definitely worth reading on a daily basis. Also, please visit her Etsy shop at:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Westboro Baptist Church=INSANITY

I ran across a website called God Hates Fags today:

And I was disgusted. The people who run it, the Westboro Baptist Church, are purely hateful and intolerant of EVERYONE. APPARENTLY, God hates American soldiers, homosexuals, Mexicans, Canadians, and the Swedish and Irish. Members of the church often show up at the funerals of American soldiers wielding signs that read, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "America=Fag Nation." Their hate is pretty much blind, they'll hate anyone for anything. Here's that sick bastard Fred Phelps saying it himself:

Honestly, if someone came to a funeral of one of MY family members or friends and tried to pull this crap, I'd want to kill them. What sad, sick, pathetic, lonely, hateful, ignorant people.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Silence The Voices: An Anti War collage

Finally, I've cranked out an anti war collage. Here's to the crappy government and pointless war! (I wish I didn't have to use the glue I used. I should have just picked up a glue stick. I keep forgetting though.)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Art Revolution!

There has been an art revolution! I've been having so much fun starting new art projects. I just started an anti war collage, and so far I'm happy with it. Although I didn't have a glue stick, and I used Elmer's plain old white glue, which made some of the paper gross and weird. But who cares! It still gets the message across-George Bush sucks, war is stupid, let's light stuff on fire!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Always Awake

Always Awake,
I wish I wasn't
An insomniac with dreams
Every second is a waking moment
Life is an infomercial
It's pointless and never ending
Sleep looks like a vacation
That I can't afford
I'm stuck in this cubicle
Every second of my days

Not so much a poem as it is random thoughts.